Stress in the Workplace
- According to the Occupational
Safety & Health Administration (OSHA),
the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the
U.S. Department of Health, and the University
of Michigan, employees required to work in
high temperature environments should be allowed
to take frequent breaks in a cool place.
- “High Temperature Environments”
are generally referred to as those over 87
degrees F for light work, over 82 degrees
F. for moderate work and over 78 degrees F
for heavy work (this amount requires 25% rest
time for every 75% of work time, according
to OSHA, with additional rest times for higher
temperature environments. For example, work
place temperatures over 86 degrees F require
75% rest time for every 25% of work time when
a worker is producing a heavy workload.)
- According to OSHA “rest period”
recommendations, if a staff of 100 workers
takes ONE additional 10-minute rest period
per day, the cost to the company will be 16
hours and 40 minutes in lost production time
per day or 83 hours and 20 minutes per week.
In terms of dollars, at $18 per hour pay rate,
excluding overtime and including estimated
benefits, the cost to the company will be
$1,500 per week or $19,500 over the course
of a 13-week summer. That is for ONE
- According to these same organizations,
high temperature work environments can lead
to a variety of heat-illnesses including:
heat stroke, heat stress, heat strain, heat
collapse, heat cramps, heat exhaustion, heat
fatigue and heat rashes.
- Also according to these groups,
if frequent breaks are not taken, workers
are at risk of physical symptoms such as nausea,
headaches, dizziness, cramps, confusion, unconsciousness,
seizure and even death. Mentally, workers
can become drowsy, unfocused, moody, and the
effects of heat stress have been shown to
contribute to accidents, work slowdowns and
walkouts, according to the Southwest Michigan
Coalition on Safety and Health.
- All these groups recommend
ventilation as a preventative and some specifically
recommend evaporative cooling where available,
siting the inefficiency and high cost of installing
and operating central air conditioning and
the additional benefit of portable evaporative
cooling and the ability to direct spot cooling
where desired.
Address: |
45 Lakewood Boulevard
Braeside. Victoria, 3195 AUST. |
Phone: |
+61-3-9587-4465 |
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+61-3-9587-1786 |
Email: |
sales@ibsupplies.com.au |
