Certification Framework
Classification of Hazardous Locations
In the US the National Electrical
Code® (NEC®) expresses the degree of hazard presented
by flammable materials in the form of a "Division"
classification. The European system is based upon
an International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
Zone classification. In order to present a globally
consistent approach the US adopted the IEC Zone
system into the 1996 edition of the NEC®.
Article 505 of the 1996 edition of
the NEC® now provides parallel classification systems
of the US Class I Division system and the US Class
I Zone system.
There are some differences between
the US and IEC classification systems, however these
are not relevant to the Eflare as they relate more
to grounding and electric shock hazards not associated
with sealed portable equipment.

Explosive Atmosphere
A mixture of flammable gas, vapour, mist or dust in
air in the proportions which, if ignited, will continue
to burn with explosive speed and force.
Hazardous Area
An area where an explosive atmosphere is or may
be expected to be present at a level that requires
special precautions to be taken in the construction,
installation and operation of electrical equipment.
Explosion Proof Device
The term "Explosion Proof" is a term used to describe
the construction of devices such as switchgear,
motors, outlet boxes etc where there is some connection
to the outside world. This may be applied to a cable
gland as in the case of an explosion proof switch,
or to a specially sealed motor shaft.
The design and construction methods
are used prevent a spark, arc or other hot spot
inside the device from causing an explosion outside
of the device when it is surrounded by a flammable
gas, vapour or dust atmosphere.
Intrinsically Safe Device
One where any spark or hot spot that may occur during
normal use inside or outside the device, or under
any fault likely to occur in normal operation of
the device, will not cause ignition of the surrounding
flammable gas, vapour or dust.
Non-incendive Device
The design and construction is such that any switch
or contact either cannot cause a spark or arc or
it is enclosed so that it is not accessible to the
explosive atmosphere. Thus the device as a whole
is not capable of igniting the explosive atmosphere
even though the device may be open to the explosive
The EflareTM is a battery powered,
portable device that will not generate dangerous
sparks in the normal conditions of use or even in
failure mode. It is designed to comply with the
requirements of the following standards:
- FCC Pt 15: Radio Interference
from Portable Apparatus
- EN55011 AS/NZS 2064: Electromagnetic
Interference (EMI)
- EN50082-1: Electromagnetic Compatibility